Not just One security Tray
A unique solution for a better security check
We are One.Tray
Founded with the goal of disrupting the passenger security tray market, we offer the most advanced tray solution in the world. Focusing on the needs of passengers, airports and advertisers, through extensive R&D, One.Tray created a unique product and service that has been chosen by 32 airports across the globe with over of 450 million passengers a year (2019).
Dedicated to improving the passenger experience, we are constantly innovating our tray that is recyclable, ultralight, customisable and RFID-enabled, as well as offering improved anti-bacterial qualities versus other trays in use. Such features directly improve the security process and so enhance the passenger’s experience in this vital operational area.

One.Tray have come up with an idea that changes the way we think about security trays. In doing so they have brought value to airports, advertisers and passengers alike. Plus, they are a great team to work and to do business with!
Vice President, Advertising and Media, Munich Airport

For airports, in exchange for providing trays for free, One.Tray receives the advertising rights on them and markets this opportunity to selected international businesses.

We can do great things together
If you are a major transport hub or a brand looking for advertising opportunities,
we’d really like to hear from you.